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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Race #19

Everyone wins! Team Blommer/Merrell had a fantastic showing at the Salt Lake City road races this past Saturday. There were three marathoners, one half marathoner and five 5Ker’s. To top it off, the race day weather couldn’t have been better for both running and spectating. Hopefully pictures will soon be posted.

Tough to know where to begin – but why don’t we start with me? After all, this is my blog! As I mentioned in a previous blog, I really wanted to break 30 at this race. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen but I did maintain a ten minute mile pace – 31:05 official time – so I’m happy with the consistent time. There are 31 more races so I know I’ll get below 30 eventually.

Once again I started out at a faster pace than I knew I could maintain, but I really think I need to keep up this race strategy. I die at the end of mile one but do get a second wind during mile three. The course was a bit deceiving as it consisted of long, gradual up and down hills. It was an out and back course so psychologically there is a boost in knowing that the hill we went up on the way out will be a downhill on the way back. The flip side is that the hill we went down on the way out will be an uphill on the way back! And that last uphill was a killer! I came very close to walking the last couple yards of that hill, and some might argue that my running pace was no better than a walk, but I’m calling it a slow run. However, I did end up finishing 9th out of 69 runners in my division, everyone wins, so all in all, it was a good days run!

My sister-in-law Kathy B., niece Amy “The Rabbit” B., Steve M. and Karen M. were also running in the 5K. Poor Steve was just recovering from a flu bug but still gutted it out for a time of 33:01 and Karen put on her big finish and had a 37:22. Even better for me, both Steve and Karen are game to meet me in some of my remaining western states as I continue my quest. Kathy B. will fool you. She may come across as the gentle soccer mom but she’s got a killer competitive instinct – she’s known as “The Wringer” in her tennis league! She decisively broke the 30 minute barrier with a time of 28:50 and was one place shy of the top 5 in her division. Everyone wins!

Amy was the top 5K finisher of her division, but it wasn’t without controversy. She burned up the course with a time of 26:19 but that seemed to be only good enough for a second place finish. When I rechecked the times by division I looked at the name of the winner in the female age 15 to 18 division, “her” name was Tim Vigil. Tim? What is that short for? Timethia? Timosina? I immediately emailed my family in Salt Lake, and though my niece Becky B. reminded me that this is Utah, I was convinced we needed to log a complaint. Alas, Tim must have gotten some gender identity counseling and figured out on his own that he belonged in a different division! Not only is everyone a winner – but Amy is a real winner!

I can’t do justice to the story of my nephew’s wife, marathoner Katy B. so recommend that you check out her blog at However, I do want to tip my hat to a tremendous first marathon. The training, the injury, just the time involved to get ready is hard for me to get my arms around. I know I don’t have that much dedication in me. She says she’s not going to do it again, but give some time for her legs to rest and to get back on the running trails and she’ll rethink that statement!

There is more to tell about my Utah trip including the great time I had hanging out with my family and conversations with plane companions, both going out and coming back, but I want to get this posted. I’ll continue this once I get some pictures.

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