Camille's Dead Freakin' Last Run - SIGN UP TODAY!!

THE BLOG IS BACK!! Looks like I can now publish posts to the blog so over the next few weeks I'll get caught up and upload information and pictures of the big event!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Training camp relocation

My permanent residence is in Sarasota, Florida and training for the first race took place at Shapes Total Fitness. Because I'm retired, I am able to beat the crowds and work out in the early afternoon with all the other retired ladies who desire to finish up before the early bird dinner specials kick in at 4:30pm. It was great!

In early 2009 a new chapter in my life was started. I began spending most of my time in North Carolina as the primary caregiver for my 87 year old mother and 43 year old Down Syndrome brother. I've been taking care of "just me" for a long time so this has proved to be quite a change, but a welcomed one. I'm now running errands with my mother, fixing two meals a day, taking my brother to the Y and making sure that the running of my mothers house continues on an even keel. This is a big change from my last real job as a Corporate Controller for a publicly traded wireless communications tower company.

Luckily, I'm still able to find time for an afternoon workout. Now you can find me at the Downtown YMCA in Durham, NC in another air conditioned gym with a fan turned directly on me! Once again I'm working out with the retired folks and I fit right in! As an added bonus, I've reconnected with two former students of mine. Tom and Don were professors at North Carolina Central University and students in the adult swim class I taught at the old downtown YMCA. Both are now retired and hit the treadmill and weight equipment on a regular basis. Who says you can't go home again?

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! Love the new blog! I'm linking it to our blog right now. Also, I'm going for my sub 30 5k on Saturday. Wish me luck!
