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Monday, May 9, 2011

Race #42

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Race #41

(Writing this well after the fact on a flight to Alaska for race #44)
Race day dawned just as William and Kate were getting married. I wish I could draw some parallels between the wedding festivities in London and my hum drum run in 33:15, South Dakota, but I can’t. There were no commentators wondering what I’d be wearing, no crowd lining the route to get a glimpse of me in my running shirt and shorts, and no handsome prince at the finish line. The continuing fairy tale that is my life!

The race was by far the most solitary of any so far. Not because the field was small and I was running in my usual place in the back of the pack, but I didn’t strike up a conversation with anyone at the race or during my travels. I’d gotten into town late in the day so went from my hotel right to the restaurant across the parking lot to eat a solitary meal at Applebees. I turned in early so I could wake up by 4am to watch the wedding before heading out to the race.

It was an o’dark thirty start, cold but sunny. Most everyone opted for long sleeves and sweats but at the last minute I went for shorts and my T-shirt. The cold got me going but as usual, it didn’t take long for me to heat up. It was another wonderful flat course that made a big rectangle around the local college. A few little inclines but nothing that amounted to too much. I of course took it slow and finished with a time of XX.X which at least kept me out of last place. No t-shirt at this race, but did get a Black Hills Cedar which I am sorry to say I have not been able to keep alive.

Race #40 Louisiana

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